Friday, July 8, 2011

We will have sweet corn

When we returned from our vacation in June, I noticed that our renter had worked up a strip along our driveway. Since it was just one strip, I assumed it was too wet and he did not continue working the whole field. About a week later I noticed rows of sweet corn coming up that he had planted for us. So now it is up to me to keep it weeded. I spent a couple hours yesterday tilling between the rows. We have the hardest clay like soil I have ever seen. But it is great to have the equipment to use instead of hoeing. I am trying to work in the yard and garden in the mornings before it is too hot. Since DH is still working and gets home late, these duties are mine ( and he really does not like yard work).


Gill - UK said...

Memories of sweetcorn freshly picked for breakfast. You can always improve the heavy clay by spreading your compost on top and letting the worms mix it into the soil but it will take much compost and many years if it is the length of your drive.

Anonymous said...

Yum. I wish we were visiting this summer.

de-I said...

I'm with Hubbie - no yard work! But I do like sweet corn :)

Gloria said...

I remember the sweet corn when we were at your house for the 2008 family reunion in July. I don't remember if it was ready to eat yet. Yum!

alexis said...

Amongst the many types of produce we don't get, sweet corn is one of them. Well, we get it here but it is not spectacular. I am not even sure where in Europe they grow it, but all the Americans I know here seem to have childhood memories of it. I don't think they had to work so hard for it though!