Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.  A few days (weeks) late I will admit.  It was wonderful to have our family together over Christmas.  We took this picture to remember it.  

K was thrilled to get another American Girl doll, Sage.

B received a rocket from his grandparents.  

After B and his Dad  put it together, we all went out into the field to shoot it up.  It was successful, but oh, so cold.  

I am going to make an effort to post regularly again.  I was trying to write a post for three days now.  The reason I couldn't is because DH was glued to the chair in front of the computer. When he visited his cousins in Nebraska when he attended his uncle's 90th birthday, the cousins all said "we need to have a reunion".  So in talking with his sister who is working on the genealogy from their mother's side, she sent him what she had so far.  He started searching for each cousin online, and when he found information called them using the computer.  He has located almost all of them in three days.   Guess a reunion is in the works, probably for 2015.  He really enjoys that sort of thing.

1 comment:

Gill - UK said...

Happy New Year to you too. I've been following he weather reports for Homerville and it seems to be relentless deep cold.