Sunday, November 20, 2011

Furniture "Musical Chairs"

G and I spent several hours on Friday moving furniture:  computer desk out of my office (will go to FreeCycle), desk from his room to my office, twin bed out of one room (to FreeCycle), reg size bed from one room to another, queen bed from one room to another, king bed to last bed room. It makes me tired just writing about it.  We both were bushed.  Today I posted items on FreeCycle so hope they will be out of my house quickly.

On Saturday we spent most of the day loading a "junk" car unto a trailer.  G has heard that the price of steel is high, so he decided it was time to get rid of a car that has been setting in our yard for 5 years.  The problem was that he could not get it into neutral, so the wheels would not turn.  So he jacked it up a bit at a time and used a "come along" (chain and wench) to pull it unto the trailer.  It was quite an adventure since it fell off the jacks a couple of times and by the end it was completely dark so we had a light with a long extension cord to the yard. I would have taken pictures, but was too busy moving away from the falling car. It wasn't as dangerous as it sounds.  I just kept my distance and gave him moral support.


Anonymous said...

It's just amazing how you guys never run out of projects. You can take the farmer off of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the farmer - you always find more to do out there.

alexis said...

well put RM! I get exhausted just reading your posts!

de-I said...

Me too. But I'm lazy :(