Since moving "In the sticks", I have been making an attempt to invite people over. Admittedly, it has not been as often as both G and I would like, but I am working on it again. This evening a friend and her male friend, whom we have not met, are coming for dinner. I have been friends with B for many years. In fact we joked that we were "attached at the hip" for two years when we co-chaired the committee that started the not for profit, Faith in Action. Since I quit working, we see each other very seldom. So I am trying to remedy that. Since I had invited them weeks ago, I called yesterday to confirm, telling her if they were not coming, I was cleaning my house for nothing. Actually, I always say that I invite people over so my house gets cleaned and we get a good meal. Pretty pitiful, I will admit. So yesterday was house cleaning and today is cooking. Maybe my next blog will describe the menu as some of my foodie blogger friends do.
Added to this, G is hosting about 20 of his motorcycle riding friends tomorrow for their annual planning retreat. They plan the riding (both street rides and dirt bike rides) for the whole year. I have learned that I had better get any activities that I want to do on the calendar before this meeting. I am making spaghetti with meatballs and Italian sausage, a salad and bread. They are to bring snacks, drinks, and dessert. As fate would have it, I cannot be here. :) So I will put the sauce on to simmer and G will actually cook the spaghetti noodles.
Styling with RM, once reported that she was actually sitting on the couch waiting for her guests to arrive when she had a party. I have not arrived at the high level of organization and planning, but am striving for it. I am usually in the bath room putting on my make up.