Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dinner guests

Last night we had a couple over for dinner who are members of our motorcycle club. As is the case with most of the clubs we are in, we are an hour away from other members, so it takes planning. (Guess that is expected when you "live in the sticks"). I made salad, lasagna, and green beans. I have tons of frozen beans, having purchased a peck at the local Amish auction in the summer. The challenge has been to find a recipe to make then interesting. Now I sauté garlic cloves in butter, then mash them in the butter and pour over the beans with herbs.

Since we did not know the couple well, I asked if there was any food they could not eat, but neglected to ask about drinks. So I opened a really good bottle of Merlot, only to find out I was the only one drinking wine. Poor me! For those of you into proper entertaining, is there a protocol for that situation. I enjoyed my wine and just removed their glasses. For desert, we had my signature peach pie. Yum.

G and I received Mexican domino game for Christmas. So we played that. It is an easy game to play and you can then get to know people by the chatting that goes on.


Anonymous said...

Well, they sound nice enough. But you got to find yourself some drinking friends.

alexis said...

mexican dominoes - how are they different from US dominoes?

Bernice said...

Alexis, I should have called them Mexican train dominoes. Yes, it is different, but takes about the same amount of skill (minimal).

stef said...

A whole bottle of wine for yourself? At least one of you was having a good time!

Michael Podolny said...

I tend to be of the SRM persuasion - I look to invite people who I know share my enjoyments.