Friday, September 5, 2008

Mock Orange Shrub

When I was a young girl on the farm in Minnesota, we had a large shrub that had beautiful white flowers that had a great fragrance. I named it "Bernice's flower tree." It actually is a Mock Orange. I had planted two by my garden shed . They normally bloom in July, but one had two blooms on it today. They grow to 10 feet tall and that wide if not pruned. As you can see from the picture, mine has a ways to go. I was thrilled with the two blooms.

I am hoping to till around the shed this weekend and plant several perennials that I purchased. This is a good time of the year to buy them as they are all half price. I am sure I will be gardening until the snow drives me indoors.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that even though fall is just around the corner gardening still keeps summer here! I love the colors now, even my squash and tomatos seem like bright splashes of color- I think school tends to gray things out. :)

Gill - UK said...

What is 'the shed'? Has Gerry moved the garage you bought? I remember you had to protect some of your shrubs from rampaging motorcyclists. There's photographic evidence!

stef said...
