Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sharing a piece of the pie

On Sunday I made a killer peach pie, if I do say so myself. It was from my "Perfect Recipe" cookbook that I have previously mentioned. This crust was half regular shortening and half butter. The filling had the "perfect" thickening, which was pulverized instant tapioca. It was topped with a lattice top, which involved rolling out the crust, cutting it into strips, freezing it, then thawing until pliable, weaving it, and the freezing again, before placing on top of the filling. We invited two neighbor couples over to share the bounty.

Every time they come over we learn more "history" of the neighborhood. What I mean is they tell stories about each other. It's a hoot. While they were here we told them we were interested in having a neighborhood party, which they thought was a great idea. The next door neighbor who has had these in the past said to have everyone bring their own drinks. He was upset when he provided pop and found opened but full cans all over the yard the next day. His take is that if someone wants to waste it, they should have paid for it themselves.

So I am making a flier that we will distribute to houses up and down the road. This morning I told DH I could not believe I will have another party with a large group of people. Did not the family reunion and reception teach me anything? Maybe it taught me I can do it.


alexis said...

wow, it sounds like you guys are really living the life you have always wanted! What a wonderful community to be a part of.

also, very jealous of the pie. Will remember the tapioca as thickening agent.

stef said...

I can't wait to see the pictures! I hope you will share more stories of your neighbours soon.