Saturday, March 7, 2009

Being a neighbor

Each week I spend a day or two with a lady in our neighborhood who has pancreatic cancer and cannot be home alone. Several neighbors are taking rotations doing this. I met her one day before I went to her home. I find it a thought provoking activity in that we talk about her dying. She said she has lived a life where she has done things she wanted to and has few regrets. I am trying hard to received some life lessons from this. She has lived in the same little house in the country all her married life. A son lives close and spends the nights there, but she is too weak to walk alone, so she someone needs to be there while he is at work. Seeing the friends and neighbors all help is what "neighborliness" really is all about.


alexis said...

wow - what a great thing to be part of. Tho I am sure it is hard at the same time!

stef said...

I really love that you are participating in this. I think in this day and age most people are not that connected to their community. I appreciate hearing about yours, which seems more involved than the average!

Michael Podolny said...
