Monday, March 9, 2009

Rain and garlic

It rained a lot this weekend. There were streams going across our yard. The good news that so far we have not had any further water leaks in our basement. It seems that the dirt was slanted toward the foundation which just brought the water in. DH piled dirt against the foundation last Fall and it seems to remedied the problem.

So far no daffodils or tulips are coming up. However, the garlic is. I planted three kinds last Fall. This is the first time I have planted garlic and had it in the ground over the Winter, so am excited that it is successful. Now I just have to figure out when the best time is to pick it. I guess when I need it for cooking. Garlic that I buy in the grocery stores here comes from China. I decided that was too crazy. Time to grow my own.


alexis said...

wow, that is a great idea! If I didn't live in a tiny, not well aerated flat I would totally grow my own garlic

stef said...

Yummy! Home grown garlic. I've been trying to think about what to plant in our tiny garden this year.

stef said...

BTW. our daffodils are coming up! And so are some ornamental grasses we planted last year. Yay spring!

Anonymous said...

Well, that's good news all around. Since you don't need to do more basement repairs, you can spend more time in the garden.