Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gourmet it was not

I met a woman who lives 6 miles from me who has developed "cooking classes". Actually she describes them as a fun evening with friends. She puts together a menu with recipes, cooking tips and then we have a dinner and just get to know each other. Ten to twelve women participate. The entree this time was "sandwich on a stick". She passed around plates with chunks of cooked meat, cheese, olives, tomato, cheese, lettuce and pickle. Your then threaded a skewer with the items, smear on a bit of mayo and mustard. Actually it looks like something kids would love. It was a bit incongruous to sit at a beautifully set table with fine china, flowers and candles and eat off a stick. I am expanding my experiences of living in this community and am really enjoying it.


stef said...

Too funny! I would have called it- Midwest shish kabob. Was it tasty at least?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, you really should have taken some pictures!

Michael Podolny said...

Actually there are a whole class of tapas which are essentially putting cured meat, cheese and veggies on little sticks.

See how international you are in the sticks!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Minnesota State Fair - where everything on a stick is apparently desirable!

alexis said...

that does I admit, sound a bit disgusting, but as you said - it's more about the company! :)