Monday, March 23, 2009

Landscaping ideas please

The first two pictures are how this area was when we moved here. DH and I had to remove everything, add soil and then put aluminum flashing around the edges and heavy duty plastic underneath, with grading toward the middle. The purpose was to keep water from running down the foundation into the basement. So now we are ready to re-landscape it. I am asking for input from my readers. Should we just put the stones back as they previously were, or add something else. This is a spot that gets extremely hot.

The green in the first two pictures are weeds. I don't think I want to plant anything where we would need to put holes in the plastic. But any ideas are welcome.


Michael Podolny said...

I'm sorry, I don't do anything landscaping that does not involve rocks and cactus.

Anonymous said...

If you really don't want to put anything in the corner with the rocks that would require you to cut into the plastic, I guess you'll have to get very creative. I think what's really missing is height- maybe some enormous rocks (or fake ones, that weigh less than a ton)? Or a birdbath or something sculptural?

alexis said...

oh my, I am no help here at all!

stef said...

I'm with RM on this one. It looks like it gets a fair amount of shade from the pics? maybe some seating?