Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can you guess what my hobbies are?

I doubt that it is cost effective to start garden plants from seeds, especially if my time is factored in. But it sure is fun. Every day I have to check if they have enough water since the containers are so small and some are made of peat or some kind of fiber so they dry out fast. Then as they grow I have to transplant to a bigger pot. As you can see from the picture, I start out with the pots close to the light and then lower them as they get bigger. My "automatic" system is to place a shorter box under then to lower them. Not a real exciting picture, but it gives you an idea of how I am doing it.

For my relatives in NM, I was able to order Big Jim pepper seeds and planted them today.

A few weeks ago we had friends over for dinner and she brought a basket of plants as a gift. There were about eight various plants in the basket, which were now overgrowing it. So I planted each one in their own pot. The challenge then was to find the perfect spot in which to place them. I am trying an east window. I am trilled with them because they have such a great variation in color, texture and shape.


Gill - UK said...

Thank you for the photographs - I recognise the houseplants - most of them - you'll soon find out which sites the plants prefer.They reward you by thriving.

Anonymous said...

I especially like the well-named Coors Light box, which keeps the plants, well, close to the light.

greta said...

Can I borrow your green thumb?

alexis said...

I am vicariously gardening through you this year!

stef said...

I love your new houseplants too. I hope they like similar conditions so you can keep them together.

Gloria said...

Wow, you really are ambitious! I was lucky this year and got a bunch of plants that Cabinet Lady started from seed. I bought more from garden centers and hope to have all planted in the garden by this weekend. CabLady put her grow lights on chains. I never thought of using different size boxes to raise or lower the plants!

Michael Podolny said...

How bad am I. I saw the title and the first picture and my first thought was, "I didn't SinL grew illegal drugs for a hobby" :)