Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reports from DH

Each day I receive a call from DH. He is able to talk for about 5 minutes before they are on their way again. He reports he is having a great time. He has driven in mud, snow banks several feet deep, been rained on, tipped the bike over at least once, slept in 28 degree weather. He has also seen lots of vast, beautiful scenery, had a few feasts and lots of just interesting experiences. If you read the blog, you will see pictures also.

It has been like a vacation for me too. I do enjoy being alone. I have kept very busy with garden and yard work, done several hours volunteering and visited with friends and neighbors. What is really interesting is that I had great (unrealistic, it turns out) plans of what all I would get done. I did get some unexpected things done, like make 12 jars of strawberry jam and a strawberry pie.


alexis said...

wow! send a jar my way! :D

stef said...

12 jars of strawberry jam is pretty amazing! Thanks for reminding me to check out your DH trip blog.

Gloria said...

It sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy! I have been looking at the Great Divide blog. They seem to be having some fantastic adventures.

Michael Podolny said...

I'm with you - solitude is to be cherished.