Thursday, June 18, 2009

Update on my life

A quick rundown on what has been going on here:

-Gerry returned home safely (he flew home) with his bike to be shipped by truck within two weeks. Since he did not have that one to ride, he hurriedly got another up and running so he could ride it to work.

-I was able to download all 340 pictures he took. He is now ready to do some editing. We then hope to post them on Picasa. Each new thing like this has a learning curve for me. I will put a link on the blog when that is done.

-I have realized that I will never be caught up with the yard and garden work. Guess that is the nature of it. Peas and spinach are ready to harvest and freeze. Several perennials are blooming nicely too.

-One evening I babysat while son and wife went out. B is already cooing and laughing out loud. I love it.

His sister has a favorite toy, an alarm clock that you wind up. It was her mother's when she was little. Burt says something about it is time to get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, etc. She plays it over and over.

Today I went to garage sales. MostlyI bought clothes for the two of them but I did get several paperback books and have "wasted" several hours today reading. No, it is not wasted. It was quite enjoyable. The one I am reading is by Fern Michaels. She has written a many Sisterhood novels.


Gloria said...

Wow - thats a lot of pictures for Gerry! Can't wait to see them. I did follow his friends blog. Will you guys be available to talk this weekend?

Shawn said...

Thanks again for watching them! It was nice to get out of the house.

And you are welcome to use their full names on here, I don't really care. :)

Michael Podolny said...

Glad that Gerry got back safe and sound. Hope he puts some sort of story post on the blog.

Anonymous said...

You take some great pictures, Mom.

greta said...

Glad Gerry made it back safely. Looking forward to the pics. I'm a fan of Fern Michaels - hope you enjoy the book!

stef said...

So happy Gerry is home safe. I too followed the blog and it looked like his expertise and skills came in handy on quite a few occasions! Can't wait to hear about it first hand.

Having time to read is such a luxury isn't it? I hope to do a lot of it this summer!

alexis said...

that is an adorable picture of the kids!