Friday, August 28, 2009

Sad Bear

Why is this bear so unhappy?

It seems that when I washed the window in the dormer above the front entry, he was removed from his comfortable spot where G has let him live for quite some time.

I am leaving the ladder in place hoping that I can find something else to put in the spot. I had a moment of panic when G found a white Snoopy Dog which is just as big as the bear at a garage sale. It was free to a good home. So far I have won the argument about putting both up there. But I think I need to fill the spot or I may find both living up there.

This is a preview to the pictures of the new patio set. I drove 100 miles (round trip) today to pick up the set. Note how well I tied it down. And I actually backed the trailer into the garage because it is to rain today. The 100 mile trip was to save the $80 delivery cost. Pictures of the unpacked set will be posted soon.


Anonymous said...

I vote for art. Perhaps you could find a sculpture that you both like? Then the bear could go live with your grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

I vote for a motorcycle.

stef said...

Well a giant bear and a giant snoopy would be a definite statement...of some sort.

de-I said...

I think a stuffed Pterodactyl would be the most appropriate.

alexis said...

motorcycle art?

Anonymous said...

Just to comment on RM`s suggestion about the bear living with the grandchildren... sorry, we don´t need any more animals (living or otherwise) at our house. Maybe he´d like to live in D.C.? I think Phi could use a friend to hang out with during the day. ;) Stacey