Monday, February 26, 2018

Day 9 of 365 - A waffle pizza ?

A pizza made with waffle batter for the crust, topped with bacon, chicken, cheese and then maple syrup!  I decided to be brave and try something new.  It tasted a bit like a dessert pizza.  Thankfully the wine was good.  

G's short ribs were more like a roast.  The presentation was great.  (The real reason for posting this picture was to highlight his new hair style.)

We don't always eat this type of food.  The other night we had guests and I served a good old home cooked meal:  Pork tenderloin with cranberries, mustard and onions in the crock pot,  mashed sweet potatoes, green beans and for dessert Haagan- Dazs ice cream.  Oh, I forgot to list the wine.


Gill - UK said...

G looks so different with his new hair style.
I like the menu you served for your guests - and you have the benefit of knowing what went into the recipe.

alexis said...

I have to say the home cooking sounds more appealing than the waffle pizza, but kudos to you for being brave.