Monday, March 31, 2008

Lessons I am still learning

So I go to my computer and check the blogs I usually follow. I am disappointed when there is not a new one posted. Today when I logged onto mine, I realized it had been one week since the last post. Shame on me. I am going to monitor this closely to see if I improve. In case you are asking about what lesson I learned, it is that I should be really careful about criticizing others when I am no better or probably worse.

On Easter Sunday, G and S spent several hours huddled together developing plans for S's next project. Then last Saturday, it was their work day at S's house. They spent about nine hours working on it. I have documented it with photos and here is the results from the end of the day:

I was sworn to secrecy about what it actually is. But I might drop some hints. The automatic function of the machine will replace what would take about 5 minutes a day to do manually.

Styling with RM, you may not guess, since I think I already told you about this.

I should add that when they saw this model they decided it is too large, so they went back to the drawing board.

While they were busy working on the ___, daughter-in-law was working in their second bathroom upstairs. She had already painted it green, and was now adding the decorative part. She mixed another shade of green with glaze and applied it with a wet cloth. I was happy with the free painting lesson I received.

While all of this was going on I had the best job of all.


Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures.

alexis said...

I agree - you definitely got the best job!!

stef said...

I have absolutely no clue what it is. Can we get a hint?

Michael Podolny said...

I'm with Stef. Though I understand with your DH that it is not about the time that can be saved by the new device, it is about the challenge of making something that can do it. I have the same problem when it comes to cooking.