Monday, May 12, 2008

The Devil Wears Prada

I just could not resist the title. After about five years of wearing the same glasses I have new ones. The brand of the frames is Prada. I know the picture is a bit weird, as I am not real good at taking pictures of myself. I don't know if I look any better, but I can see a lot better, which is what really matters. I added the non glare coating and it makes a great difference too. I don't even seem to need sun glasses. Since I have progressive lenses, I did not use the $39 site Styling with RM did.

Mother's Day was celebrated at son's house. It was a laid back day. He stood under an umbrella to grill our hamburgers. Thanks son. Even the boys (cats) were relaxed. They have four male cats and they are affectionately referred to as the boys. The picture is of Logan.


Anonymous said...

Love the glasses!

Michael Podolny said...

Holy mackerel - I hope this glasses frame fetish isn't contagious. I may have to get an inoculation before the reunion1

stef said...

I love the glasses! Very stylish, and suits you well.

alexis said...

very nice shades! did you also get sunglasses?