Thursday, May 8, 2008

Free days

I was called for jury day three days this week, so I cleared my schedule. Hard to do when you are retired. It was for our local municipal court, which I think handles misdemeanors, not felonies. But as it turned out there were no scheduled jury trials so I didn't have to go. So I felt I had three free days. Actually it would have been interesting as I have never been called before.

The garden is coming along nicely. G and I put a fence around it to keep out the rabbits. I had added some soil around the bottom where there were gaps. Our soil is heavy clay, so it certainly needs amending. I will probably work on that all year. So far I have planted peas, radishes and a couple herbs. The weather forecast is rain for eight out of the next ten days. So my focus will not be on the yard and garden.


stef said...

Ooo. I can't wait to plant this weekend!

Michael Podolny said...

I think all these G family people or who have G blood need to create some communal gardening web site.