Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mulch and dirt

G said he had 25 things on his to do list today. I don't think he got any of the things on the list done, but we really worked hard. We just did things that were not on the list. I asked if he would go with me to our local waste management facility. They take yard waste free and then shred it and sell it back as mulch. It is about half price you would pay of you had it delivered from a landscaping company. But we had to load into our trailer ourselves. We shoveled one ton of the stuff. That is a lot. I then shoveled over half of it under my pine trees. At the rate I am going I will need three more ton.

Then the man who farms our land came over. We had been wanting to move some stuff (mostly iron) so that he could work in a straight line instead of going around it. He lent G his skid steer tractor. We moved the iron and now G has been on that thing for about 7 hours. We had a large hole by our deck where an above ground pool had been. He filled that in with dirt and then has been moving dirt from a huge pile he had near the road.

We then had one thing left that we did not know what to do with. The previous owner of our property had left this old rusty manure spreader with rotted wood and only one tire. I had toyed with the idea of trying to paint it, and use it as a lawn ornament, but changed my mind. We burned it, and will recycle the iron. "In the Sticks" you are allowed to burn.

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend.


alexis said...

holy crap, that is a lot of mulch!! You guys are really getting back to the land, I will be sorry to miss seeing the fruits of your hard work in OH this summer.

Anonymous said...

I hope you roasted a couple of dozen marshmallows on that mammoth fire.

Michael Podolny said...

What is it with DH and large fires? I think he may be a repressed pyromaniac.

I get tired every time I read the latest 'in the Sticks' post. Most of the time, my innate laziness quickly removes any guilt that I don't do a fraction of that amount of work in month. At least for the next few weeks I will have a legitimate excuse :)

stef said...

Farm machinery=fun. The burning is making me think of all the campfires we will have when we see you in July. Can't wait!