Sunday, May 18, 2008

Never a dull moment here

If you visited today, you would have witnessed the following:
There is a toilet tank on the floor in the living room.
My gas kitchen stove is sitting on the kitchen table, with parts of the oven in the hall.
The Audi was quickly driven into the garage because the sun roof opened by itself and would not close and it was raining.

Now if you know us at all, you would say, "So, what is so unusual about all of those things?"
And I would have to admit that it probably not much.

I have taken all the things off the walls in the bathroom and taped it in preparation for painting. It will be a light turquoise in color. That explains the toilet tank being where it is.

G is trying to find the cause of a gas smell in the stove. It is not fixed yet, but he has some ideas. Not to fear, we will not blow up the house. The gas to the stove is turned off.

I am not sure I can explain the Audi issue, other than once in the past this happened when the battery went dead. And the battery seems to be not charging as it should since our cat turned the headlights on and ran the battery down. I can't recall if I told that story or not in a previous post. G was working on the car in the shop (where cat lives in the Winter) and left the window open on the car. Cat climbed in and somehow turned on the lights, causing the battery to be dead when G came out again. She almost lost one of her nine lives.

So we have our work cut out for us this week to remedy all of these issues.


Michael Podolny said...

That's so funny because as I was reading the first paragraph of the post my exact thoughts were, "well what's so unusual about that for B and G?'

stef said...

Ooo. So excited to see the finished bathroom. I think turquoise is going to be a great fit!

alexis said...

sounds like your appliances are rebelling! I'd check the toaster and hot water boiler, there could be an insuurrection on your hands.