Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year! How did you bring in the new year? We had a party at our house. I cannot remember when we last had a NY eve party. I must say we have an interesting group of friends. I had sent out the invites a couple of weeks ago and received about 6 RSVP's out of 25. Then on the 31st we received many phone calls, both saying they were coming and regrets. Fortunately, we just had snacks and drinks so the final number did not matter too much. We had 14 guests, with four leaving early. G and I had thought of having us play games so had set up the house with three tables for game playing. As it turned out, everyone just wanted to talk. After the toast an midnight, people usually go home. No one left until 1:15 AM. You just never know what to expect.

If we want to play games, I think we are going to have to call it a game night. Today, G and I did some planning for events at our house in the coming year. It looks like we will have a pig roast again. This time, we hope to send out the invites real early, so a lot come and make it worth the effort. (I really do not want a lot of left over pork in the freezer).

Again the best to everyone in 2009!


alexis said...

I also like games nights but I think you're right - you need to mentally prep people sometimes.

stef said...

As to pig roasting- if you have the equipment- it should at least be used on a regular basis. Even if it is only once a year!

Michael Podolny said...

We went over to Lisa's - celebrated C's birthday and were home by 8:30 PM - woo hoo party animals.