Friday, January 23, 2009

January thaw

Our one foot is snow is starting to melt a bit, especially off the roof tops. I am able to walk on the road and the temp is above freezing so it is relatively pleasant. My current goal is walk for 30 minutes "as if I am late for work". That is a description of the speed. I hate to admit it but I am out of shape. My legs feel it when I walk. But I plan to keep doing it.

DH and I recently opened Gmail accounts. So I am working on organizing the emails and have set up a couple calendars. It takes a lot of time to stay ahead of all the emails, especially when DH hasn't given out his email address so everything comes to mine.


alexis said...

stick with the walking, it will be so good for you over time - maybe music would make it more enjoyable?

stef said...

ooooo. Such a hard time of year to be starting up walking! Maybe your DH can make u a treadmill? ;)