Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Walking and riding

For the last three days the temperature has been 40 and above so I have gone for a walk each day around the perimeter of our woods. The snow had mostly melted in the fields but not in the woods. It was slush about one foot deep in places. Today I had completed the walk and was trying to get back to the house, but could not get across the runoff "stream" so had to walk a long way around to find a place where it was narrow enough for me to jump across. My feet were quite wet by the time I got home and I really feel it in the calves of my legs. There is evidence of a lot of wildlife in the woods. I am not real good at identifying them all however. I look at footprints and scat. If I am right, we had a coyote real close to the house. Mollie beware! Mollie is our cat.

The next is hardly news, but I will tell you anyway. This weekend DH got two new (to him) motorcycles. The Kawasaki is the bike for the Continental Divide ride in June. He is planning to ride from New Mexico to Montana as close to the Continental Divide as possible. This one needs a lot of work. He will be putting what amounts to protective amour on it so when he hits rocks and tips over it doesn't damage it, which could be a problem when they are a long way from civilization. Sounds like the ride is good blog material, don't you think? To bad the blogger is not going on the ride.

The Triumph Tiger was for Shawn, or so I thought. DH likes it a lot so may give Shawn the Goldwing (which is the yellow one, for those of who who didn't know). So we'll see how this all shakes out.


stef said...

Wow. That is a LONG Ride. You're giving it a miss?

Anonymous said...

But Shawn's too young for the Goldwing! Isn't it a requirment to be over 60 if you own one of those?

Bernice said...

No, SWRM, the requirement is that you have a bit of girth around your middle from stopping frequently at Dairy Queen stores. Guess he doesn't meet that requirement, does he.

alexis said...

LMAO Aunt B!

Michael Podolny said...

Come'on Shawn you can make the cut - Hit those Dairy Queens!