Friday, July 17, 2009

Small town entertainment

Lodi, which is a small town about 5 miles from here, has a town celebration called "Sweet Corn Festival." So last night G and I rode the motorcycle there. He has put a different seat on it but I could not tell in that short distance if was more comfortable. Anyway, the doings are very small town. It consists of the midway and the usual games and vendors. All in less that one square block. They have corn eating contests and such competitions. We like to check it out local events, but decided since we did not know any of the crowd, we probably would not go again. Our dinner was an ear of sweet corn and a bison burger.

Another "rural" event took place this week. G awoke to this loud rustling in the bushes outside. For some reason he did not get up to check it out. We later learned there were nine head of cattle wandering around. Our next door neighbor, who has two cattle in their pasture, ended up letting them in his pasture so they would not be a hazard on the road. It took more than a day for the owners to come around and find them. They had traveled over a mile across fields.


stef said...

Too funny! Cows in your yard are not a big concern in Chicago. I think the sweet corn festival sounds like so much fun though. How is your corn doing this year? Or did you get to grow corn this year?

Bernice said...

We have no corn at our place this year. The weather was not cooperative for the farmer to plant any. But, never fear, there are plenty of vegetable road side stands that sell corn.

de-I said...

Equally we don't have too much problem with cows in the yard :)

How was the bison burger?

alexis said...

I don't think cows could get up to my 3rd floor if we did have them.. :)