Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joined AAUW

It has been raining off and on all day so was a good day to stay inside and do bill paying and such.

This evening I went to an orientation for AAUW (short for American Association of University Women). Their mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research. They offer financial scholarships to women returning to school after working a few years (that is not just out of high school), support legislation to improve conditions for women and girls. An example of that is education and passing laws against sexual harassment and bullying. On the world level, they monitor what is happening at the UN. Currently they are working on educating women who are getting their first job out of college on how to negotiate a fair salary.

What I like so far is that our local chapter is a group of about 75 women who work on causes but seem to have a lot of fun doing it. They attend cultural events and have book discussion groups. And it seems that at meeting other than the monthly one they have lots of good food and wine.


stef said...

Sounds like an really interesting organization. I'd never heard of it before.

alexis said...

yes sounds very cool - are there membership dues?

Bernice said...

The annual membership is about $60. Our local group has a great newsletter. National has a great website for us too.