Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday report

I noticed I have not posted for a few days. I have been preoccupied with preparations for a routine test I was to take last week. It was a Colonoscopy, so it took two days on a liquid diet and then the wonderful laxative. I had it done on Friday and they could not complete it because my blood pressure dropped too low. So this on Wed, I have another test which has pretty much the same prep but only for one day. I will just be glad when it is done with. I wonder about all the suggested routine tests we are given. I am trying to have a good attitude about it.

Shawn, Stacy and children have been in Minnesota this week and visited my Mom and siblings. Shawn sent two pictures which I am sharing.


Anonymous said...

B just always looks ecstatic, no matter whose lap he sits on. Thanks for the pictures.

stef said...

Sorry about all the medical tests aunt B- they do not sound like fun to prepare for or endure.

de-I said...

Ooo don't envy you the problems with the colonoscopy. It's not pleasant under the best of circumstances.